Restoration projects are crafted to improve natural watershed processes such as shading streams, accumulating spawning gravels, & providing winter slack water habitat for cutthroat trout & other native fishes.

Marys River Watershed Council offers several outdoor education programs for area schools, providing hands-on, place-based lessons in watershed science & ecology.

There are many ways for you learn more about us and how to get involved! Start by subscribing to our news and events, and following us on social media!

NEWS: NOAA Fish Passage

On May 22, 2024, Marys River Watershed Council, on behalf of the Mid-Valley River Connections collaborative, was recommended by NOAA to receive over $8.7 million in Fish Passage funding. The proposed work will restore fish passage at 18 different sites across the Mid-Willamette region, opening up access to 43 miles of high quality spawning and rearing habitat.

We are hiring!

Marys River Watershed Council (MRWC) is searching for a full-time Operations Coordinator. Primary duties of the position will be assisting the MRWC’s Executive Director in managing the day-to-day operations of MRWC. Responsibilities include office, equipment, and IT management; financial management support and expense tracking; meeting facilitation; fundraising support; website management; constituent database data entry and queries; and staff development and human resources support.

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